Local phone numbers from everywhere
Get unlimited incoming calls via VoIP
- What you're buying with FlyNumber is essentially a plain, old "phone number"
- This means we either provide a new local phone number or you port-in your current number
- You can then take said "FlyNumber" and manage it a couple different ways
- Forward to a regular phone number | Set to a SIP address | Set to our cloud PBX | or just "park the number" with us
- Simple pricing - based on the phone number not "users" or "agents"
- Use any device, software, VOIP solution or a regular phone number to receive calls
- Unlimited incoming on all our phone numbers (excld. toll free) when set to VOIP/ SIP (ie. smartphone)
- Forward calls to any regular phone number in the world for a per min rate
- Buy multiple local phone numbers for your business | Manage the call flow with our cloud PBX grid
- No contracts | No hidden fees | Cancel anytime
- More info on call forwarding
Optional PBX - Phone System
- Use our cloud phone system so you can manage your virtual phone number(s) on an advanced level
- IVR/Call menu | Queue/on-hold | Voicemail | Time/phone number based routing | Record calls | and more
- Set up incoming/outgoing for multiple users - mix and match different FlyNumbers
- Incoming: Use any combination of SIP accounts, SIP forwarding or a regular phone number
- Outgoing: Configure a SIP account and set provided credentials in any SIP client
- Grandstream desktop phones | Polycom | Groundwire SIP app | Zoiper app
- Dev's and network admins appreciate it | Intuitive canvas-grid design | Move modules and create call flows
- More info on the phone system
Use Your Smartphone
- Any smartphone (or PC/MAC) can download an APP and receive unlimited incoming calls
- Receive phone calls even while app is not running | Save battery
- Use FlyNumber as a "2nd phone line" - From London to Las Vegas (and way beyond)
- With a smartphone we suggest a VoIP solution however you can still send the calls directly to the smartphones' regular phone number (as a backup or otherwise)
- Search the App store or Google play store for "SIP client" - many free and paid options - we'll help set you up
- We can provide you with VoIP or you can use your own solution
- Set the calls directly to a VoIP destination (i.e. SIP address)
- You'll pay a flat monthly rate for the number and it includes unlimited incoming minutes
- Configuration changes are instant and can be made independent of other FlyNumbers
- For example you can forward your Philadelphia virtual number to a regular phone number and your Dublin number to VoIP
- Set the calls to your Asterisk server | 3CX | FreePBX | FreeSWITCH | Any SIP URI
- More info on using VoIP
Forward SMS to email
Included in the price of the phone number
- All local U.S. and Canada numbers have SMS capabilities ( inbound )
- Please note that not all our numbers feature SMS/text cababilities
- Many of the countries will have only one prefix with SMS, ex: Israeli mobile (55) or Australia mobile (04)
- With our SMS enabled numbers you'll receive the text message in your email inbox
- Route different FlyNumbers to different email addresses if need-be
Recent Blog Posts
- Wasn't the internet supposed to make phone calls more affordable?
- FlyNumber works great if you just launched a start-up and you're on a shoestring budget
- Is your business already off the ground but you'd rather not spend hundreds of dollars a month on phone service?
- We come from a "mom and pop" type background, rooted in the international diversity that is NYC. We understand business.
- Buy multiple international local phone numbers and manage them all from your FlyNumber account
Family and friends
- Stay in touch with family and friends by giving them a phone number "local to them"
- For example you have friends or family in the U.S. but now live elsewhere, you can give them a US FlyNumber that forwards directly to your smartphone
- Great for expats that want to stay in touch with friends and family from their hometown
- Give family members who aren't tech-savvy an easy way to reach you no matter where you are
- Grandma or Grandpa would love a simple local phone number they can dial that connects them to their loved ones